Black Workers Matter is an Austin neighborhood-based, independent movement of workers fighting racism in hiring and on the job in west side & near west suburban TIF industrial districts.

Work Safe During COVID-19!
This is a reporting tool to keep track of workplace safety during COVID -19 and after the global pandemic.
Esta es una herramienta de informes para realizar un seguimiento de la seguridad en el lugar de trabajo durante el COVID -19 y después de la pandemia global.
News Stories
Organizers said the building should be used to benefit the community if Amazon is going to let it sit vacant. Amazon officials said the warehouse will be operational by the fall.
Trey Arline
9:57 AM CDT on Jun 2, 2023
Activists from “Get to Work,” and “Black Workers Matter” were protesting Amazon’s delayed opening at its new location near Division and Kostner.
By CBS Chicago Team
/ CBS Chicago
Giant facility on Division will open in 2023 is latest promise
by Ankur Singh / Contributing Reporter
January 30, 2023
John Sheehan holds signs at a protest on Jan. 19, 2023, outside an unopened Amazon fulfillment center on West Division Street in West Humboldt Park. (Brian Cassella / Chicago Tribune)
Some Chicago residents are voicing their frustration that Amazon has not delivered on opening its new distribution center in West Humboldt Park.
Edie Jacobs (left) and Anthony Stewart (right) speak about Amazon’s failure to open to the warehouse during a news conference as community members and union members stand outside of a yet-to-open Amazon warehouse near the corner of Division and Kostner in West Humboldt Park.
Black Workers Matter and allies held a news conference to support LGBTQ+ Hostess workers who are accusing their supervisors of segregation and discrimination by race, sexual orientation and gender identity. Anthony Stewart reads a statement outside a Hostess plant in Chicago alleging discrimination on Aug. 31, 2022. (Erin Hooley / Chicago Tribune)
Wednesday, August 31, 2022
West Side-based group Black Workers Matter is pushing to dismantle what it calls “segregation-for-profit.”
Wednesday, December 15, 2021
“Black Workers Matter organized a pop-up vaccination site to provide COVID-19 vaccines for Cicero workers.”
Tuesday, July 6, 2021
Members of Black Workers Matter protested outside Amazon’s Cicero warehouse, vowed to continue pressure until working conditions improve
Friday, April 2, 2021
When an essential food worker reports unsafe conditions, there are few protections from employer retaliation. One organizer group has a solution.
Thursday, December 10th, 2020
Black Workers Matter says Bimbo, employer of many West Siders, has not adequately protected them against COVID-19
Thursday, July 2, 2020
Trabajadores afroestadounidenses aseguran que varios compañeros han sido despedidos por denunciar violaciones a protocolos de seguridad sanitaria en las líneas de producción. “Por mucho tiempo se han dado prácticas discriminatorias que también afectan a los empleados latinos”, señala Vanessa García, activista comunitaria.
Thursday, June 18, 2020
Black Workers Matter is an Austin neighborhood-based, independent movement of workers fighting racism in hiring and on the job in west side & near west suburban TIF industrial districts.